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Privacy policy


General information


Ginte Zacharini (hereinafter – “we” or “Data manager”) is the manager of the Website (hereinafter – “the Website”). In this Privacy Policy (hereinafter – “the Privacy Policy”), we establish and explain that we collect and further process the personal data of the Website visitors. In the Privacy Policy, we also provide information on the processing of data from other data subjects performed in the course of our business.

The Privacy Policy applies to all persons who visit the Website. The conditions set forth in them apply every time you want to get access to the content and/or services we offer, regardless of the device (computer, mobile phone, tablet etc.) you use. By continuing to browse the Website, you confirm having read and understood the Privacy Policy.


The data of all data subjects is processed legally, transparently and honestly, with predetermined goals and only to the extent necessary to achieve them. When processing your personal data, we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations No. 2016/679 (hereinafter – “the GDPR”), the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Legal Personal Data Protection in the Republic of Lithuania, as well as recommendations of supervisory authorities and/or personal data processing requirements.

Persons under 14 may not provide any personal data on the websites we manage and/or profiles on social networks. If you are under 14, prior to providing your personal data, you must obtain the legal consent of your representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians).

The concepts used in the Privacy Policy are treated as they are described in the GDPR.


Data manager details:

UAB Rimta prekyba

Legal entity code: 303093112

Legal address: Tauro g. 5-520, Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone: +37068682686 


How do we collect information about you?

We receive your personal data, i. e., any data about you that allows us to identify you as follows:

  • You can provide data (personal) by yourself;

  • Your data may be collected automatically;

  • In some cases, we receive your personal data from third parties and may collect it from public sources.


You can provide us with your personal data by yourself. This often happens in the following cases:

When you enter into an agreement with us (sale and purchase, provision of services, etc.);

  • When you use our services;

  • When you subscribe to our newsletters;

  • When you register for our events, exhibitions, courses or other projects;

  • When you submit a request, application and/or complaint to us by phone, email or mail.


Your data may be collected automatically. This often happens in the following cases:

  • To the extent permitted by applicable laws we may receive your data from third parties. This may be the data provided by our partners, contractors, service providers, as well as the data from your public profiles or databases.

  • We may associate your data, obtained from you, public and commercial sources with other information that we receive from you or about you.

  • We may also collect your data in other unspecified cases. You will be additionally informed about this.


What data (personal) do we process?

Even though we try to collect as little information about you as possible, we collect the following information to carry out our activities:

  • Your contact details;

  • The information necessary for the conclusion and execution of transactions, contracts and other agreements;

  • The information that you provide during telephone conversations with us, in letters, requests or registration forms;

  • The information contained in the money transfers you make to us;

  • The information necessary to protect the interests of our institution in court or in other institutions;

  • Information about your device;

  • Information necessary for direct marketing.


Who do we share your personal data with?

  • Companies that provide services on our request;

  • Law enforcement and state authorities;

  • Other parties, where required by law or is necessary to protect our legitimate interests.

Data processors are entitled to process personal data only on the grounds of a written agreement concluded between us and them, in accordance with our instructions, and only to the extent necessary to fulfil obligations set out in the agreement in a duly manner. When we engage processors, we take all measures required to ensure that our data processors have implemented proper organisational and technical safety measures and will keep personal data secret. The list of categories of data processors is as follows:

  • Marketing agencies;

  • Companies supervising the IT system;

  • Companies providing postal services and courier services;

  • Auditors;

  • Companies providing legal services.

You can obtain further information about specific companies indicated in this section that could be provided with your personal data by reaching us using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.


To which countries your personal data are transferred?
Sometimes we may have to transfer your personal data to other countries that may not have equivalent data protection standards. In such cases, we would do our best to ensure the security of your personal data being transferred.
In very rare cases, we may send your personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area. In such cases, we make sure that one of the following security measures is used:

  • Agreement concluded with the data recipient is based on Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission;

  • Binding corporate rules are applicable;

  • Data recipient is incorporated in the country recognised the European Commission as applying adequate data protection standards;

  • Codes of conduct, certification mechanisms;

  • Permit of the State Data Protection Inspectorate was obtained.

Where none of the aforementioned appropriate security measures are available, we may use exceptions provided in Article 49 of the Regulation (e.g., transfer your data on the grounds of your consent); however, these exceptions may be used only in cases strictly provided for in the Regulation.


How do we protect your personal data?

We have implemented intelligent and appropriate physical and technical measures to protect the information we collect for content/service purposes. However, please keep in mind that while we are taking appropriate action to protect your personal data, no website, online transaction, computer system or wireless connection is completely safe.


How long will we keep your personal data?

We establish personal data retention periods pursuant to the requirements provided by the laws and regulations and instructions of supervisory and/or other competent authorities. Where such requirements (instructions) are not provided, data retention periods are established in consideration of our legitimate or public interests, but they will not exceed 2 years. When data retention periods expire, your data will be erased in such a way that they cannot be restored or anonymized in such a way that there is no possibility to identify you.


Your rights
The data subject whose data is processed in the course of our activities, depending on the circumstances, has the following rights:

  • To know (to be informed) about his/her data being processed (right to be informed);

  • To access personal data processed in the course of our activities and get information about how they are being processed (right to access);

  • To demand the rectification of your personal data or, in consideration of personal data processing purposes, have the right to have incomplete personal data completed (right to rectification);;

  • To demand the erasure of personal data concerning you (right to be forgotten);

  • To require us to restrict the processing of personal data concerning you (right to restriction of processing);

  • To require us to transmit personal data provided to us (right to data portability);

  • To object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you which is based on the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, or when personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling (right to object);

  • To withdraw your consent for personal data processing where personal data are processed on the grounds of consent.

We always strive to ensure your rights appropriately and promptly respond to any possible breach in exercising them; therefore, if you have any questions regarding your personal data processed by us, please contact us first. We also note that in all cases you have the right to file a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate at any time.

We offer you easy ways to exercise these rights. You can do this by calling + 370 68682686, or e-mail by using certain links at the bottom of the promotional content provided by us, if we provide any. Your rights will be fulfilled once your identity is confirmed live (by submitting an ID: personal identity card or passport) or by electronic means (e.g., by electronic signature).

We may refuse to fulfil the aforementioned rights in cases provided by the law where it is necessary to ensure the prevention, investigation or determination of offences, breaches of official or professional ethics, as well as protection of rights and freedoms of data subject or any other persons.


Cookies, signals and similar technologies

In this Privacy Policy, we use the term ‘cookies’ for cookies and other similar technologies, such as Pixel Tags, Web Beacons, and clear GIFs.
When you visit our Website, we want to provide content and features tailored to your needs. This requires cookies. Cookies are small items of information stored in your web browser. They help the data controller to recognize you as the previous visitor to a certain website save the history of your visit to the site and adapt the content accordingly. Cookies also help ensure the smooth running of websites, allow you to monitor the duration, frequency of visits to websites and collect statistics about the number of site visitors. By analyzing this data, we can improve our Website and make it more user-friendly for your convenience.


Contact us

If you notice a discrepancy between this Privacy Policy, a security loophole on our Website or other issues related to the processing of your personal data, please contact us.

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